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Is My Child’s Private Kindergarten Tuition Tax Deductible?

1 min read

1 min read

Having kids can mean lots of changes for your taxes since you have new tax benefits available to you. When it’s time for them to start school, you might wonder if private kindergarten tuition is tax deductible. 

This is one case where parents can’t claim a deduction or get a credit. Because kindergarten is primarily educational in nature, your child’s tuition doesn’t qualify for the child and dependent care credit. The bottom line here is that kindergarten isn’t tax deductible. The same holds true as your child progresses through primary and secondary school. 

Are Other Kindergarten Expenses Tax Deductible?

Although kindergarten tuition isn’t tax deductible, the expenses for a before- or after-school care program might qualify for the child and dependent care credit. 

Additionally, you might consider education-focused investment options, such as a Coverdell Education Savings Account (Coverdell ESA) or a 529 plan. These types of accounts let you save for elementary and secondary education expenses, as well as college. While you can’t deduct these contributions on a federal return, the earnings from the account are tax-free if you use them for qualified education expenses. Some states allow you to deduct contributions to 529 plans on your state income tax return.

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