Get five federal e-files with H&R Block tax software
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Did you know? You could pay less with H&R Block Deluxe + State, Premium, and Premium & Business software than with TurboTax.
Save money when you auto-renew
Auto-renew today to lock in this year’s price for next year’s software. Plus, get Tax Identity Shield® for free.
File state taxes
Easily import your federal tax return into your state return with our step-by-step guidance.
Here’s how it works
Download and install your software
Enjoy the freedom of starting your taxes on your own time.
Follow the easy, step-by-step process
Tell us more about you and your tax situation, then upload last year’s return.
File with our 100% Accuracy Guarantee
Our software automatically double-checks your work at no additional cost.
We’ve got you covered
Easily download and go
Simply download your tax software to get started. We walk you through every step of the way.
5 federal e-files on us
Doing taxes always means preparing one federal return. With our tax software, you get five federal e-files!
Seamlessly switch from TurboTax
Import last year’s tax return data from TurboTax in just seconds.*
*Refers to TurboTax .tax file import; .pdf import time varies based on internet and system speed.
Get real-time refund results
When you file your return, you can expect the biggest refund possible.
Multiple layers of protection
You trust us with your most important information and documents, and we take that responsibility very seriously.
Worry-free audit support
We’ll provide representation by your side every step of the way — at no extra charge, guaranteed.
Our software guarantees
Max Refund Guarantee
You’ll get your maximum refund with H&R Block. Find a bigger refund somewhere else? Your tax prep is free.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Unhappy with our tax software for any reason before you file? We’ll refund your full purchase price.
Accuracy Guarantee
If the software makes an error, we’ll reimburse you for any resulting penalties and interest up to a maximum of $10,000.
No Surprise Guarantee
Surprises aren’t always good. With H&R Block, you’ll know the price before you start your taxes. You can count on it.
Need other software options?
Software updates
We make periodic updates to our tax software to reflect the latest changes from the IRS. If you own H&R Block software, it’s easy to install tax software updates.
File for a previous tax year
Need to file a past return? We’ve got you covered with prior-year software editions for federal and state taxes.
More ways to file
File with a tax pro
Gather your docs and let your tax pro do the rest. Just review and approve your return. Meet in an office or via chat, phone, or video.
File taxes online
File from your smartphone or computer. Get guidance every step of the way.
Tax help included in Deluxe, Premium, and Self-Employed do-it-yourself products.