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Pennsylvania (PA) State Refund

2 min read

2 min read

After filing your Pennsylvania (PA) tax return, you probably want to know when you will get your PA state refund. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Here we’ll cover the details of checking on and receiving your PA tax refund.

How Do You Check Your PA Tax Refund Status? state tax refund

Checking on a tax refund is simple for Pennsylvania taxpayers. Just visit

What Do You Need to Check On Your PA State Tax Refund? 

To check your PA state tax refund status, you need to enter your:

  • Social Security Number, and
  • Expected tax refund amount

When Can You Start Checking for your PA Refund Status?

If you filed electronically it takes approximately four weeks to process your tax return. However, if the Department needs to verify information reported on your return or request additional information, the process will take longer. After your overpayment is processed, it normally takes an additional three to four weeks for your refund to be mailed or direct deposited.

For paper filed returns, wait eight to 10 weeks for your return to allow for your return to post to the system before checking your PA refund status. In either situation, after your return is posted and the PA overpayment is processed, a PA refund could take an additional four to six weeks for a check to be mailed or direct deposited.

How Do You Check Your Federal Tax Refund Status?

You can check the status of your federal return using H&R Block’s “Where’s My Refund?” tool. Knowing when to expect your refund after e-filing or paper filing your return gives you confidence and the ability to plan ahead for personal expenses. Whether you filed online or in person, H&R Block can answer your questions and track your income tax refund status as it changes.

Need Hands-On Guidance With Checking Your PA Refund?

If you want extra guidance tracking your PA refund or helping you file your state return, enlist the help of a tax pro using H&R Block Virtual! With this service, we’ll match you with a tax pro with Pennsylvania tax expertise. Then, you will upload your tax documents, and our tax pros will do the rest! We can help with your PA taxes, including federal deductions for paying state taxes.

Prefer a different way to file? No problem – you can find Pennsylvania state tax expertise with all of our ways to file taxes.

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