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I have a question about SSI taxable income. Is supplemental security income taxable?

1 min read

1 min read

ssi supplemental security incomeSupplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal income supplementation program funded by federal tax revenues created to aid to aged, blind, and disabled people with limited income. It provides money for these populations to meet basic needs like shelter and food.

Is supplemental security income taxable?

When asking the question, “Is supplemental security income taxable?” the answer is: no, supplemental security income (SSI) payments aren’t taxable. They’re also not considered earned income for Earned Income Credit (EIC) purposes.

Words of caution for SSI taxable income

For dependency exemptions, SSI payments used for support are treated as support a third party provides.

Need more tax support?

When it comes to taxes, you have many things to consider. While SSI income isn’t taxable, other federally sponsored programs are and will impact your tax outcome. H&R Block is here to help find the right tax filing options for you!

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