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If I Filed an Amended Federal Tax Return, Should I Amend My State Return?

1 min read

1 min read

After you file your taxes, you might receive a late form or have some other reason why you need to file an amended federal tax return. If that’s the case, you might be wondering if it’s necessary to also file an amended state return.

Usually, you’ll file an amended state tax return only if the changes to your federal return affect your state tax liability. Ex: Some states require you to report the changes within a specified time after filing the federal amended return.

Once you’ve been notified that the IRS received and accepted your 2024 return, you can prepare an amended federal tax return. If you filed your 2024 return with our online program, you can prepare an amended return with us. Keep in mind that you’ll be creating an amendment by adding new data, so you won’t be changing your existing return.

Steps to File a Federal Amended Return

To file a federal amended return:

  1. Go to your Dashboard or Main Menu.
  2. You’ll see the option to file an amended return at the bottom of the screen after your return is re-filed and accepted.
  3. Follow the directions to amend your return.

Once you prepare your federal amended return, you must print and mail Form 1040X, even if you e-filed your original return. Include copies of any schedules that have changed, and any forms you didn’t include with your original return.

If you made any changes to your original return before starting the amendment process, go back and undo those changes. Otherwise, your amendment will contain incorrect information.

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