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What to Do If Your E-File Is Rejected

1 min read

1 min read

If you find you made a mistake on your e-file tax return, you must go back and correct it. Fortunately, you’ll be notified if your e-file is rejected due to a typo or misspelling. It’s your responsibility to address and correct any mistakes before you can successfully e-file your return.

How to E-file Your Tax Return If You Had Errors

Once you’ve been notified of an error on your e-filed return, you need to go back to your return, find the pages with errors, and correct the issues. Repeat this as many times as necessary until you’ve corrected all of the issues you know about.

After you’ve done this, you can re-submit your completed e-file tax return. If you choose not to fix the mistakes in your rejected e-filed return, you won’t be able to e-file the return again.

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