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Determining your state refund status

1 min read

1 min read

After you e-file your state return(s), we send your return to your applicable state tax office(s).

The response time across states varies from 24 to 48 hours. When we receive your state refund status from your state, we’ll immediately update your account and send you an e-mail to alert you of your status change.

“When will I get my state tax refund?” – Additional Ways to Check

Many states have added new security measures to combat identity theft and tax refund fraud. While these additional precautions can help protect your return from theft, it might also lengthen the time it takes to receive your state tax refund.

We make it easy for you to find out if your state processing is delayed or running on time. Visit our Where’s My Refund page and look for the State Refund Status section. From there, you can find details on your state’s processing status and any refund status tools that the state might offer.

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