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What Should I Do If My EIN Is Invalid?

1 min read

1 min read

Your Employer Identification Number (EIN) is your employer’s ID with the state. You might have been asked to provide this number on your W-2, Box 15.

However, if you find your EIN is invalid while preparing taxes with H&R Block Online, it might be due to the length of the number, rather than the number itself.

You’re limited to 16 characters when entering a state ID or EIN. A few states have IDs or EINs that are more than 16 characters, so it might appear that the EIN is not valid when you enter it. For those states, enter as much of the state ID or EIN for Box 15 as you can. Then, continue through the rest of your return.

Special consideration for Utah employer IDs:

  • Utah requires all Forms W-2 reporting Utah income to have a 14-digit employer ID for Box 15.
  • The employer ID should be an 11-digit number followed by either WTH or WMP (Ex: 01234567890WTH).

If you have a W-2 with Utah income but don’t have a proper 14-digit employer ID, contact your employer for a new employer ID.

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