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Can I Use H&R Block Software to Set Up a Payment Plan With the IRS?

1 min read

1 min read

If you can’t pay your entire balance due when your file your taxes, you still have options for paying off your taxes when you’re ready at a later time. One option is to use H&R Block to set up a tax payment plan. With a payment plan, you’ll be able to pay more of your taxes later.

To set up an installment agreement, you can file Form 9465 through H&R Block to request a payment plan from the IRS. The IRS charges a fee to set up a payment plan. Fees vary by situation and are described in the payment plan form within the H&R Block Tax Software. To learn more, see the Form 9465 instructions.

How to Use H&R Block to Set Up an IRS Payment Plan

To fill out Form 9465 in H&R Block and set up your IRS payment plan:

  1. Open your return in the H&R Block Tax Software.
  2. Click Take Me To in the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. Scroll down to the Miscellaneous section and choose Installment Payment of Tax.
  4. Click Go To.
  5. Follow the steps on the screen.

Once you’ve completed the steps on H&R Block, your payment plan request will be ready to go.

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