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Free New York State E-file With H&R Block

1 min read

1 min read

Can you file your New York state return for free? At H&R Block, the answer is yes. You’ll get a free NY e-file, no matter how you file with us. With our software, online program, and all our other services, you’re guaranteed a New York state free e-file.

While we’re happy to offer many free services, like our free audit assistance and many free forms, we can’t take all the credit in this case. Our e-file for New York state is free in large part thanks to New York law, which requires that anyone filing a New York return won’t be charged separately for e-filing. To learn more, visit the New York State Tax Department website.

Since my New York e-file is free, are my other state returns also free?

Unfortunately, if you have other state returns to e-file along with your New York state free e-file, the normal state e-filing fee (if applicable) will apply to the other states. Don’t let that discourage you from e-filing, though. There are lots of advantages to e-filing your returns, including getting your refund back more quickly in many cases.

If you do decide to avoid e-filing, H&R Block makes it easy to complete, print, and mail any state returns you have. Whether you have one state return or many, we’re ready to help you file your way.

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