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How to Get More Time to Respond to a CP2000 Notice

2 min read

2 min read

It’s always best to respond to an IRS notice before the deadline in the notice, but you can ask for more time.

CP2000 notices (underreporter inquiries) have a 30-day deadline, which can come quickly if you can’t find the information you need to prepare an accurate response.

How to get more time

You or your tax pro can call the IRS Automated Underreporter Unit to ask for more time to respond. The phone number will be on your CP2000 notice.

Have your IRS notice and tax return information handy when you call. Normally, you can get up to 30 additional days to respond to the CP2000 notice.

If the IRS does give you more time, make sure to respond by the new deadline. The IRS probably won’t grant you another extension.

Don’t wait until the last minute

This advice goes for any IRS notice. If you need more time, don’t wait too long to ask the IRS. It’s best to get in touch with the IRS at least one week before the deadline.

If the IRS gives you more time by phone, it’s a good idea to follow up with a certified letter to the IRS confirming the extension that the IRS granted you.

If you miss the deadline…

The IRS will send you another notice proposing the taxes you owe. The notice technically says you must petition the U.S. Tax Court if you disagree – but, there’s another solution: Ask for CP2000 reconsideration.

Because the CP2000 process is automated, the IRS commonly allows this exception. Taxpayers can “redo” the process, and the IRS will consider the information you provide.

But if you want to avoid all of this, get an early extension of time to respond, and reply to the IRS by the new, agreed-upon deadline.

How to get expert help

Learn more about how to respond to a CP2000 notice. An experienced tax professional can also help you respond to your CP2000 notice, or deal with the IRS for you.

Learn about H&R Block’s Tax Audit & Notice Services. Or make an appointment for a free consultation with a local tax professional by calling 855-536-6504 or finding a local tax pro.


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