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IRS Letter 566 – The IRS Has Selected Your Tax Return For Audit

1 min read

1 min read

Your tax return is being audited.

Type of notice: Return accuracy

Likely next step: Address an IRS audit

Also see: IRS penalties, IRS bill for unpaid taxes

Why you received IRS Letter 566

  1. The IRS selected your tax return for an audit.
  2. The IRS is requesting that you provide documents to prove you are eligible to take one or more deductions or credits on your tax return.

Notice deadline: 30 days

If you miss the deadline: The IRS may not allow certain deductions or credits on your tax return and will assess additional tax, penalties and interest.

Want more help?

Your tax professional can deal with the IRS for you. Learn more about H&R Block’s Tax Audit & Notice Services. Or make an appointment for a free consultation with a local tax professional by calling 855-536-6504 or finding a local tax pro.

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