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IRS Letter 5759C – Required Minimum Distribution Not Taken

1 min read

1 min read

It appears you have not taken the required minimum distribution from your IRA.

Type of notice: Return accuracy

Likely next step: Clear up an account error

Also see: IRS bill for unpaid taxes

Why you received IRS Letter 5759C

  1. You have a traditional individual retirement arrangement (IRA).
  2. You are at least 70 ½ years old and the required minimum distribution (RMD) has not been taken.
  3. The IRS sent Letter 5759C to notify you that IRS records show you have not taken the RMD from your IRA.

Notice deadline: If this notice arrives during the tax year in question, you have until December 31 to take the required minimum distribution (or until April 1 of next year if you turned 70 ½  this year and need to take your first required distribution).

If you miss the deadline: You may be subject to the 50% penalty.

Want more help?

Your tax professional can deal with the IRS for you. Learn more about H&R Block’s Tax Audit & Notice Services. Or make an appointment for a free consultation with a local tax professional by calling 855-536-6504 or finding a local tax pro.

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