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IRS Notice CP01H – Identity Theft Lock

1 min read

1 min read

Your tax return cannot be processed because the Social Security Number (SSN) you reported for yourself or your spouse is recorded at the Social Security Administration (SSA) as belonging to a deceased taxpayer.

Type of Notice: Account information or change

Likely next step: Address tax identity theft

Also see: IRS return and account problems

Why you received IRS Notice CP01C

  1. The tax return you filed for the tax year shown on the notice contained the SSN of a person who was shown as deceased by SSA records in a prior tax year. This could be the result of identity theft or a simple keying error of your SSN (or your spouse’s SSN, if a joint return).
  2. Due to the discrepancy and potential identity theft, the IRS sent CP01H to inform you that the IRS locked the account for that SSN and will not allow the tax return to post.

Notice deadline: N/A

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Your tax professional can deal with the IRS for you. Learn more about H&R Block’s Tax Audit & Notice Services.

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