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IRS Notice CP05B – The IRS Needs More Information to Determine if You’re Due A Refund

1 min read

1 min read

Additional information is needed to complete the examination of your tax return. Your refund is being held pending the results of the examination.

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Type of Notice: Return accuracy

Most common tax problem area: IRS audits

Other tax problem areas: IRS penalties, IRS bill for unpaid taxes, Tax identity theft

Why you received IRS Notice CP05B

  1. You filed a tax return showing a refund due.
  2. The IRS determined there was a discrepancy in the income reported on your return and the income reported to the IRS by third parties such as employers and banks.
  3. The IRS sends CP05B to request documentation to verify your income and withholding and to inform you your refund is being held. If you did not file a tax return for the year shown on the notice, you may be a victim of identity theft.

Your options to address IRS Notice CP05B

  1. Provide the documentation requested

Notice deadline: 30 days

If you miss the deadline: If you do not respond the IRS will disallow all or part of your refund.

Want more help?

See your local tax pro for a free consultation.

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