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From Our Latina Bloggers: Ideas For Spending And Investing Your Refund

1 min read

1 min read

For many of us, the best part of the tax filing process is having the chance to get some money back. If you are one of those lucky ones who get a refund, our Latina bloggers have some ideas for ways to spend or invest your refund.

Diana, Kathy, Romina, Jeanette and Pattie share some of their own ideas, with videos, to inspire you to make the most of your money.

Kathy Murillo, from www.CraftyChica.com, divides her refund three ways, so she can appreciate EVERY penny and strive to make each one work in her favor. Check out her ideas for saving money.

Diana Rodriguez, from www.entrecomprasyelhogar.com, shares great ideas about how to spend and invest a refund. She thinks that one smart way to spend a refund is paying debt and avoiding high interest rates. Take a look at her video.

Romina Tibytt, from www.mamaxxi.com, shares the importance of establishing priorities with your refund. For example, you should put some money to savings, but she also encourages you to consider a healthy break with the family.

What would you do with your refund? Share your ideas with us! Remember, if you’re still waiting to file your taxes, you have until Tax Day to do it. Happy refund season!

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