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H&R Block Receives Quintet of Awards for Communications Initiatives

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4 min read

October 20, 2014

Recognition Comes for Blog, Public Relations and Enterprise Portal Achievements

H&R Block (NYSE: HRB), the world’s largest consumer tax services provider, recently won several awards for its communications initiatives, including for its Block Talk blog, public relations campaigns – including “Get Your Billion Back, America!” and its teen financial literacy project – and for its new enterprise-wide associate portal.

Block Talk Receives Best Corporate Blog Award

Block Talk, H&R Block’s blog of tax and lifestyle news, tips and advice, won the Plutus award for best corporate blog. In its fifth year, Plutus honors the best in personal finance. The Plutus Awards team selected Block Talk as a finalist before opening up voting for the winner. Block Talk won from among five finalists.

Block Talk has been a resource for taxpayers and others interested in personal finance for more than three years. Authors include H&R Block bloggers, tax experts from The Tax Institute at H&R Block, and guest contributors from other personal finance websites.

“Get Your Billion Back, America!” and Dollars & Sense Receive Public Relations Awards

The Greater Kansas City Public Relations Society of America (GKCPRSA) awarded H&R Block three PRISM Gold Awards, its highest award, in the annual ceremony this October. H&R Block’s campaign, “Get Your Billion Back, America!” won gold for integrated communications. The 2014 tax season campaign highlighted the fact that taxpayers leave more than $1 billion on the table each year when they file their own taxes. H&R Block tax professional Richard Gartland, outfitted in his iconic green bow tie, urged taxpayers to get their money back in the well-known commercials and media interviews, including an appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres show for her hidden camera stunt. The team also carried the message directly to taxpayers in major cities across the country in special brand events.

H&R Block’s teen financial literacy outreach, Dollars & Sense, also won gold in two categories. H&R Block Dollars & Sense won in the public service category for showing teenagers how to manage personal finances. H&R Block Dollars & Sense provides educators and students with personal finance curriculum and resources to increase financial literacy among teenagers. Since 2009, H&R Block Dollars & Sense has awarded teens and educators with more than $4 million in grants and scholarships.

CommsAwardsDollars & Sense’s “How Big is a Billion?” campaign, which won the marketing consumer products and services category, began when students showed interest in the calculations used to make the “Get Your Billion Back, America!” commercials. H&R Block Dollars & Sense asked teachers and students to visualize a billion and awarded $19,000 in classroom grants for nine winners in grades four through 12.

For the 2014-2015 school year, Dollars & Sense also will award more than $3 million in classroom grants and scholarships through its H&R Block Budget Challenge.

“It’s been an exciting year for us creatively and as a community partner,” said Kathy Collins, H&R Block chief marketing officer. “I am proud of our team and appreciate the recognition by outside groups for our work. Most of all, I am excited to raise the bar this season, beginning with the $3 million Budget Challenge, as well as the upcoming marketing and communications campaign.”

Enterprise Portal Receives Website Architecture Award

H&R Block’s new enterprise associate portal, DNA, won Liferay’s Pulse award for website architecture. The Pulse awards recognize innovative people and companies that create solutions using Liferay Portal. DNA, which stands for documents, news and applications, is a single go-to resource providing access to the information and materials H&R Block associates and partners need to help them succeed.

“Our technology team has built a seamless, responsive and intuitive platform, which will effectively deliver our messages and resources internally,” said Wendy Mealer, director of technology and channel. “This award is an enormous credit to the quality of their product as well as their hard work and execution.”


About H&R Block
H&R Block, Inc. (NYSE: HRB) is the world’s largest consumer tax services provider. More than 650 million tax returns have been prepared worldwide by and through H&R Block since 1955. In fiscal 2014, H&R Block had annual revenues over $3.0 billion with 24.2 million tax returns prepared worldwide. Tax return preparation services are provided in approximately 12,000 company-owned and franchise retail tax offices worldwide by professional tax preparers, and through H&R Block Tax Software products. H&R Block Bank provides affordable financial services products. For more information, visit the H&R Block Newsroom at newsroom.hrblock.com.

About H&R Block Dollars & Sense
Funded by H&R Block, Inc. (NYSE: HRB), one of the world’s largest tax services providers, H&R Block Dollars & Sense provides finance curriculum to high schools and scholarships nationwide. Since 2009, H&R Block Dollars & Sense has donated more than $4 million in grants and scholarships. For more information, visit www.hrbds.org.