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What Should I Do If My Tax Return Was Rejected Because My SSN Was Already Used?

1 min read

1 min read

When you receive a message saying that your tax return was rejected because an SSN has already been used, a few things might have gone wrong.

If you’ve already filed a return for this year and the IRS accepted it, the IRS will reject any other returns you try to e-file with us.

However, if you haven’t already e-filed a return, make sure you entered your name and SSN or ITIN correctly on your return. The tax return will be rejected if someone else already used the SSN for you or a dependent.

How to Check Your Info When Your Tax Return Is Rejected Due to an SSN

To make sure that your information is correct:

  1. Open your return in the H&R Block Tax Software.
  2. Click on the Federal tab, then click the Personal Information tab.
  3. Click Go To, next to Personal Information.
  4. Click Next until you reach the Your Personal Information screen.
  5. Verify the spelling of each name, SSN, and/or ITIN entered on this page.
  6. If you corrected your information, you’ll need to e-file your return again.

However, if your information is already correct and you haven’t already e-filed a return this season, contact the IRS at 800-829-1040. The IRS will be able to help you figure out why your tax return was rejected due to an SSN that was already used.

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