$ per state filed

Self-Employed Online is best for:

  • Business income reporting & deductions

  • Small business expenses

  • Switching from TurboTax is easy

    Just upload last year’s return (Form 1040) or we can securely transfer it for you.

Unlimited expert help

Get help from AI Tax Assist & live tax pros. Ask unlimited questions and get unlimited support.

Easy doc upload

No need to scan your docs or manually enter your W-2. Grab your phone, take a pic of your docs, and you’re all set.

Refund tracking

No more wondering where your money is. File with H&R Block and you’ll see your refund update in real time.

Income reporting

Save time with intuitive steps for reporting profits and losses from your businesses.

Max Refund Guarantee

If you find a bigger refund somewhere else, your tax prep is on us.

Audit Support Guarantee

If you get audited on the return you filed with us, we’ll give you steps to take to respond.

100% Accuracy Guarantee

We’ll check your return for errors and help you fix any mistakes we find.

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
Deduct student tuition, payments, and loan interest
Deduct student tuition, payments, and loan interest
Deduct student tuition, payments, and loan interest
Deduct student tuition, payments, and loan interest
Deduct student tuition, payments, and loan interest

Unlimited expert help

Unlimited expert help

Unlimited expert help

Unlimited expert help

Unlimited expert help
Deduct real estate taxes and home mortgage interest
Deduct real estate taxes and home mortgage interest
Deduct real estate taxes and home mortgage interest
Deduct real estate taxes and home mortgage interest
Deduct real estate taxes and home mortgage interest
Report asset depreciation
Report asset depreciation
Report asset depreciation
Report asset depreciation
Report asset depreciation
Claim rental income & deductions (Schedule E)
Claim rental income & deductions (Schedule E)
Claim rental income & deductions (Schedule E)
Claim rental income & deductions (Schedule E)
Claim rental income & deductions (Schedule E)
Report stocks, bonds, and other investment income (Schedule D)
Report stocks, bonds, and other investment income (Schedule D)
Report stocks, bonds, and other investment income (Schedule D)
Report stocks, bonds, and other investment income (Schedule D)
Report stocks, bonds, and other investment income (Schedule D)
Claim small business expenses (Schedule C)
Claim small business expenses (Schedule C)
Claim small business expenses (Schedule C)
Claim small business expenses (Schedule C)
Claim small business expenses (Schedule C)


  • Finish your taxes online

  • Let a tax pro review, sign, and file your return

  • Rest easy knowing your return was filed accurately

$ per state filed