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IRS Letter 1802C – Conclusion of Underreporter Case

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1 min read

Letter 1802C is sent to inform you that the Automated Underreporter Unit is closing your case.

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Type of Notice: Return accuracy

Most common tax problem area: IRS CP2000 underreporter inquiries

Other tax problem areas: IRS penalties, IRS bill for unpaid taxes

Why you received IRS Letter 1802C

  1. You filed a tax return.
  2. The IRS determined that there was a discrepancy between the income reported on your tax return and the income reported to the IRS by payers such as employers or banks.
  3. The Automated Underreporter Unit (AUR) sent you a notice itemizing the unreported income.
  4. The IRS sent Letter 1802C to notify you that the AUR has made a final determination and the case is being closed. You may still file an amended return if you have additional information you want considered.

Your options to address IRS Letter 1802C

  1. Dispute the taxes you owe
  2. Dispute the penalties
  3. Make arrangements to pay

Notice deadline: N/A

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