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Does the IRS allow you to deduct medical expenses paid with loan money? Also, am I allowed to deduct medical expenses paid with credit card funds?

1 min read

1 min read

The IRS does allow you to deduct medical expenses paid with loan funds; and the IRS also allows you to deduct medical expenses paid with credit card transactions. If you use a credit card or a loan to pay your medical expenses, the expenses are considered paid when the provider is paid. For tax purposes, it doesn’t matter for when you pay the loan or credit card bill.

However, you must itemize your tax return to claim your medical expense deductions. If you itemize, you will not be allowed to take the standard deduction. You will need to calculate both methods to determine which is gives you a lower tax.

If your itemized deductions are greater than your standard deduction, then you should complete Form 1040, Schedule A. If the itemized deductions are less than your standard deduction, then your should take the standard deduction. For more information about itemizing medical expenses, visit: Topic 502: Medical and Dental Expenses.

Related: Short-term loan considerations.

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