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Can I Amend a Prior-Year Return Using H&R Block Software?

2 min read

2 min read

If you filed your prior-year return in our software, you can also amend your prior-year return with us – it’s easy!

If you made any changes to your original return before starting this process, go back and undo those changes. Otherwise, your H&R Block tax amendment will contain incorrect information.

How to Make a Tax Amendment with H&R Block Software

To amend your prior-year return:

  1. Open the originally filed return in the version of your H&R Block Tax Software for the year of the original return.
  2. Click Take Me To in the top right corner.
  3. Scroll down to Miscellaneous.
  4. Choose Amended Return (Form 1040X) and click Go To.
  5. Now, you can follow the steps given in the program. Or, read on to follow the step-by-step directions given here.
  6. Choose Yes, then click Get Started.
  7. Click Next until you reach the Print Your Original Return screen.
  8. Click Print at the bottom of the page to print a copy of your filed return.
  9. Click Next until you reach the Creating the Amended Return screen.
  10. Follow the on-screen steps to create a new return file. You’ll now have two return files: one for the original return and one for the amended return.
  11. Click Next until you reach Print Your Form 1040X.
  12. Click Print at the bottom of the page to print an original Form 1040X. You’ll need this form to fill in values later in the process.
  13. Click Next until you reach the Amendment Checklist screen.
  14. Choose Yes, then click Next.
  15. Now you’ll need to make the changes to your return. Click Take Me To in the top right corner of the screen to go to the section(s) that you need to correct.

Once you’ve made the necessary changes to your return:

  1. Click Take Me To in the top right corner.
  2. Scroll down to Miscellaneous.
  3. Choose Amended Return (Form 1040X), then click Go To.
  4. Click Next until you reach the Any More Changes screen. Then, choose No.
  5. Using the original 1040X printed earlier, type in the amounts from Column C and click Next.
  6. Complete the information on the Explanation of Changes screen, then click Next.
  7. Enter any additional information, then click Next until you reach the Print Your Amended Return screen.
  8. Click Print, then click Next to reach the Filing Your Amended Return screen.

Once you prepare your H&R Block tax amendment, you must print and mail Form 1040X, even if you e-filed your original return. Include copies of any schedules you changed and any forms you didn’t include with your original return.

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